• Be connected with your Bank

    Be connected with
    your Bank

Why Becon'Bank?

View your account balance in real time

In a few clicks, you can view your bank balance via a computer, tablet or smartphone.

View transaction history

With Becon'Bank you can view the history of all your transactions.

Make deposits and withdrawals via mobile accounts

Perform remote withdrawal and deposit transactions on your bank account.

Find the different branches of your Banks / Microfinance institutions

Becon'Bank lists the branches of banks or microfinance institutions partners to ease your life..

Carry out the transactions to one of your relatives on his mobile money account, on his bank account or through a withdrawal in an agency

Make instant cash transfers to third-party accounts or branch withdrawals.

Manage all your accounts in one application :

Becon'Bank allows you to carry out banking transactions with all your accounts in the same application..

Becon'Bank advantages

Reduction of queues in agencies
Reduced risk of money theft
24/7 access to the platform
Notification by SMS / Email
Access to a set of services: withdrawal, deposit, money transfer
Visibility of your balance in real time

How it works


Get in touch with your customer advisor, who will assist you with service activation and application download


Connect to the Becon'Bank platform. Carry out your transactions: deposit, withdrawal, transfer of money


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