Microfinance Academy


Microfinance Academy is an organization expert in the assistance of the microfinance and microbusiness sector in Africa through studies, training, assistance, technical advice, etc. Microfinance Academy is a chartered partner with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP- World Bank). The latter has been supporting the institution through a programme to strengthen the capacity of its trainers for nearly fifteen years.

The organization mainly works with:

  • Microfinance institutions and their networks
  • Regulators
  • Donors
  • Consulting firms
  • Conventional commercial banks
  • The ministries in charge of microfinance and microbusiness.

Microfinance Academy aims to:

  • To increase the skills of microfinance and microbusiness players in Africa.
  • Supporting microfinance institutions on the path to innovation and action research.
  • Provide microfinance institutions and microbusiness with information on the donors who support the microfinance and microbusiness sector around the world.
  • Gathering and disseminating information on management practices to microfinance institutions and microbusiness