The NEW AFRICAN FINANCIAL is a public limited company with its registered office in Bonanjo Cameroon BP 3424 Douala. NOFIA SA is a 2nd category microfinance institution, created on 11 October 2009 under MINFI Decree N°00000322 of 15 October 2009. With 14 branches, it is committed to increasing the rate of banking, financial inclusion and providing intermediate financing to overcome underdevelopment and fight poverty.
NOFIA supports its clients by financing projects related to the agriculture, real estate, commerce and research sectors and by providing financial products and services tailored to their needs.
Useful addresses
List of agencies
City of Douala
City of Yaoundé
City of Bafoussam
City of Dschang
City of Mbouda
City of Bangang
City of Kousseri
City of Bertoua
City of Bamenda